Friday the 13th Good Fortune & Protection Spell

Here's a spell for Friday the 13th that taps into the day’s powerful energy for protection, transformation, and good fortune.

What You'll Need:

  • A black candle (for protection and banishing negativity)
  • A white candle (for purity and good fortune)
  • Bay leaves (for success and wishes)
  • Rosemary (for protection)
  • A small bowl of water (for cleansing)
  • A small mirror (to reflect negative energy away)
  • Salt (for protection and grounding)

Ritual Steps:

  1. Prepare Your Space:

    • Cleanse your ritual area with saltwater or smoke from burning sage or rosemary. Visualize the space being purified and filled with protective energy.
  2. Create Your Circle:

    • Sprinkle salt in a circle around your ritual space to create a boundary of protection.
  3. Light the Candles:

    • Place the black candle to the left and the white candle to the right. Light them while saying:

      "On this sacred day, Friday the 13th, I call upon the ancient power of protection and luck. Darkness fades, and light shines bright, keeping me safe, day and night."

  4. Bay Leaf Blessing:

    • Hold a bay leaf in your hand and focus on your intention for good fortune. Whisper your wish or desire into the bay leaf and then gently pass it through the flames of the white candle, saying:

      "By the fire’s light, my fortune takes flight. May blessings come and misfortune leave my sight."

  5. Rosemary Protection:

    • Sprinkle rosemary around the base of the black candle, saying:

      "With this herb of protection and power, negativity is banished this hour. No harm shall come, no ill will stay, by the power of this sacred day."

  6. Use the Mirror:

    • Hold the mirror in front of the black candle and imagine it reflecting any negative energy away from you. Say:

      "As this mirror reflects, so too shall it deflect all harm and ill intent away from me. I am protected."

  7. Cleanse with Water:

    • Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle it over yourself, saying:

      "Water cleanses, salt protects, by this ritual, I am blessed."

  8. Close the Circle:

    • Thank the energies you called upon, extinguish the candles, and say:

      "I release this circle of light, grounding the magic and sealing it tight."

After the Ritual:

  • Place the bay leaves in your wallet or near your altar to attract good fortune.
  • Carry a small piece of rosemary for continued protection.
  • Keep the mirror in a place where it can symbolically reflect away negativity.

This spell harnesses the mysterious energy of Friday the 13th to bring good luck and protection, using symbols of power, reflection, and purification.

Blessed Be!

The Spiritual Witch


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