New Moon in Leo Ritual: Ignite Your Inner Flame


Materials Needed:

  • A yellow or gold candle (symbolizing the energy of Leo)
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • Sunflower or any bright yellow flower
  • Citrine or any other solar stone
  • Essential oil (citrus or frankincense)
  • Small bowl of water
  • Matches or lighter


  1. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Cleanse the space using your preferred method (sage, incense, sound).

  2. Set Up Your Altar: Arrange the candle, flower, stone, and bowl of water on your altar or a small table. Place the paper and pen nearby.

Ritual Steps:

  1. Grounding and Centering: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths. Visualize a golden light surrounding you, connecting you to the energy of Leo.

  2. Light the Candle: As you light the candle, say: "I ignite the flame within me, embracing the power and creativity of Leo."

  3. Anoint Yourself: Take a drop of essential oil and anoint your forehead or wrists, saying: "I am radiant, I am powerful, I am creative."

  4. Meditation: Spend a few moments in meditation, focusing on the qualities of Leo: confidence, creativity, and leadership. Visualize yourself embodying these traits.

  5. Write Your Intentions: On the piece of paper, write down your intentions or goals for the upcoming lunar cycle. Be specific and focus on areas where you want to shine and express yourself authentically.

  6. Affirmations: Read your intentions out loud, affirming them with statements like: "I am confident in my abilities. I express my true self with joy. My creativity flows effortlessly."

  7. Offering: Place the sunflower or flower on the altar as an offering. Gently dip your fingers in the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops around the altar, symbolizing the nurturing of your intentions.

  8. Close the Ritual: Thank the universe or your chosen deities for their guidance and support. Extinguish the candle, saying: "As this flame goes out, my intentions remain strong and alive."

  9. Release: Take the paper with your intentions and bury it in the earth, burn it safely, or keep it in a special place to revisit throughout the lunar cycle.


  • Keep the flower and stone on your altar or in a place where you can see them daily.
  • Revisit your intentions regularly, taking inspired actions to manifest them.
  • Practice daily affirmations to reinforce your confidence and creativity.

This ritual harnesses the fiery, bold energy of Leo to set powerful intentions for personal growth and creative expression.

The Spiritual Witch


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