New Moon in Virgo Spell for Clarity and New Beginnings

Materials Needed:

  • A green or white candle (for growth and clarity)
  • A small piece of paper and a pen
  • A piece of amethyst or clear quartz (for wisdom and intuition)
  • Dried rosemary or sage (for purification)
  • A small bowl of water (for cleansing)
  • A pinch of sea salt (for grounding)


  1. Create Your Sacred Space: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Arrange your materials in front of you. Light the candle and take a few deep breaths, grounding yourself in the moment.

  2. Cleansing Ritual: Sprinkle the sea salt into the bowl of water. Stir the water gently while focusing on its purifying energy. Dip your fingers into the water and lightly sprinkle it around your space, saying, "With this water, I cleanse my space, making way for clarity and new beginnings."

  3. Intent Setting: Take the piece of paper and write down your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Be specific and clear, aligning your intentions with Virgo’s energies of organization, health, and practicality. You might write something like, "I set the intention to embrace clarity and focus on [specific goals] during this new moon."

  4. Infuse with Energy: Hold the piece of amethyst or clear quartz in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize a bright white light surrounding you, filling you with wisdom and intuition. Imagine this energy flowing from the crystal into your intentions, amplifying their power.

  5. Burn the Intentions: Carefully fold the piece of paper and pass it through the flame of the candle, letting it catch fire. Place the burning paper into a fire-safe dish or bowl. As it burns, say, "As this paper turns to ash, so too will my intentions manifest in the material world."

  6. Closing the Ritual: Once the paper has fully burned, extinguish the candle. Scatter the ashes outside, letting them be carried away by the wind. As you do this, say, "I release these intentions to the universe, trusting in the process of manifestation."

  7. Grounding: Take a moment to ground yourself. You can do this by holding the sea salt in your hands and feeling its texture, or by eating a small piece of fruit or a snack.

  8. Thank the Universe: Finish by thanking the universe, the elements, and any deities or spirits you work with. Close the ritual with gratitude and trust in the process.

This spell harnesses the new moon's energy in Virgo, helping you to set clear, focused intentions and organize your life in a way that supports your goals.

The Spiritual Witch


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