Guarding Energy & Releasing Burdens Ritual


To protect your energy, release what no longer serves you, and empower your intentions.

You will need:

  • A white candle (for clarity and protection)
  • A small bowl of water (for cleansing)
  • A black stone or crystal (obsidian, onyx, or tourmaline for protection)
  • A small slip of paper and pen
  • Lavender or sage (optional, for smoke cleansing)
  • A quiet space where you will not be disturbed

Step 1: Create Sacred Space

  • Cleanse the area with lavender or sage to remove any lingering negative energy.
  • Sit in a comfortable position, place the candle in front of you, the water to your left, and the black stone to your right.

Step 2: Ground Yourself

  • Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize roots growing from your body into the earth, anchoring you. Feel the earth's energy supporting you as you sit in stillness.

Step 3: Light the Candle

  • As you light the candle, say aloud:

    "I call upon the power within and around me. I ask for protection, clarity, and the wisdom to guard my energy."

    Let the flame represent your inner strength and focus.

Step 4: Focus on What You Empower

  • Take a moment to think about what you’ve been focusing on lately. What projects, people, or ideas are taking your energy? Hold the stone in your right hand and visualize your energy flowing into the things that matter most to you. Empower them with your focus.

  • Say aloud:
    "What I give my focus to, I empower. I choose to nourish only that which serves my highest good."

Step 5: Release What No Longer Serves You

  • On the slip of paper, write down anything you want to release—fear, doubts, distractions, relationships that no longer serve you, or old habits. Focus on what weighs you down or depletes your energy.

  • Dip your fingers in the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops onto the paper as you say:

    "What I release, I free myself from. With this act, I reclaim my power."

  • Burn the slip of paper in the candle flame (if safe to do so) or tear it up, symbolizing the release.

Step 6: Seal the Spell

  • Place the black stone beside the candle to represent your intention to guard your energy.

    "I guard my energy as I would my magic. I am protected, grounded, and free. So it is."

Step 7: Close the Ritual

  • Spend a few moments in silence, feeling the energy shift within you. Extinguish the candle and thank the elements for their support.


  • Carry the black stone with you as a reminder to protect your energy.
  • Meditate regularly on your intentions and remain mindful of where your focus flows.
Blessed Be!

The Spiritual Witch


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