Hunter's Moon Protection & Abundance Ritual

 Items Needed:

  • A white candle (for clarity and protection)
  • A red or orange candle (for strength and action)
  • A small bowl of water (symbolizing the intuitive energies of the Moon)
  • A bowl of earth or salt (symbolizing grounding and protection)
  • A piece of bread or fruit (representing the harvest)
  • A small mirror (optional, for reflection and self-awareness)
  • Sage or incense (for purification)
  • A piece of paper and a pen


  • Find a quiet space where you can connect with the moonlight, either outdoors or near a window where the moon is visible.
  • Set up your altar with the candles in front of you, the bowl of water on your left, the bowl of earth or salt on your right, the piece of bread or fruit in front of the candles, and the mirror nearby if you're using one.

Step-by-Step Ritual

  1. Cleanse Your Space: Light the sage or incense and walk around your space, wafting the smoke to cleanse any stagnant or negative energy. As you do so, say:

    "By the light of the Hunter's Moon, I clear away all that does not serve me, making space for strength, protection, and abundance."

  2. Light the Candles: First, light the white candle, saying:

    "I light this candle to call in the clarity of the Moon, to guide me through the dark nights ahead."

    Then, light the red/orange candle, saying:

    "I light this candle to ignite my inner strength and courage, as I prepare for the season of rest and renewal."

  3. Ground and Connect: Place your hands on the bowl of earth or salt, feeling its grounding energy. Visualize roots growing from your feet deep into the earth, anchoring you.

    Say aloud: "I am grounded, strong, and protected. The Earth supports me through all cycles."

  4. Reflect and Write: Take the paper and pen and write down what you wish to release (fears, doubts, limiting beliefs) as well as what you wish to invite into your life (abundance, protection, clarity).

    Hold the paper over the bowl of water and say:

    "Under the light of this full Hunter's Moon, I release what no longer serves me, and I call in what will help me thrive."

  5. Symbolic Offering: Break off a small piece of the bread or fruit. Hold it up to the sky (or toward the moon) and offer it as a token of gratitude for the harvest, both literal and metaphorical. Say:

    "I give thanks for the abundance in my life. May I be nourished and protected in the coming months."

    Eat the rest of the bread/fruit as a sign of taking in the abundance of the season.

  6. Closing the Ritual: Blow out the candles, starting with the red/orange one, saying:

    "With courage and strength, I step forward."

    Then, blow out the white candle, saying:

    "With clarity and protection, I move in harmony with the cycles of the Moon."

  7. Optional Mirror Reflection: If using the mirror, look into it and repeat:

    "I see the reflection of my true self, full of strength, clarity, and purpose."

  8. End the Ritual: Bury the paper in the earth (if you wrote down things you are releasing), or place it under your pillow for dreams and insights during the waning moon phase (if you wrote down intentions).

Closing Thought:

Take a few moments to meditate in the moonlight, allowing yourself to absorb the energy of the Hunter’s Moon. This is a time to reflect on what you’ve harvested in your life, be it lessons, achievements, or challenges, and prepare for the inward journey of winter with gratitude and strength.

Blessed Be!

The Spiritual Witch


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