Balance Spell for Harmonizing Relationships and Inner World



  • Two pink candles (for love and harmony)
  • One blue candle (for peace and tranquility)
  • Rose quartz crystal (for love and healing)
  • Lavender essential oil (for calmness and balance)
  • A small bowl of water (for emotional balance)
  • A small dish of salt (for grounding and purification)
  • Incense (preferably lavender or rose)
  • A piece of paper and a pen


  1. Preparation:

    • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
    • Set up your altar or space with the materials listed.
    • Light the incense to cleanse the space.
  2. Casting the Circle:

    • Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
    • Visualize a circle of light surrounding you, protecting and empowering you.
  3. Anointing the Candles:

    • Anoint the pink and blue candles with the lavender essential oil.
    • As you anoint each candle, say: "I anoint you with love and peace."
  4. Placing the Candles:

    • Place the two pink candles on either side of the blue candle, forming a triangle.
    • Place the rose quartz in front of the candles.
  5. Light the Candles:

    • Light the pink candles first, saying: "I light these candles for love and harmony in my relationships."
    • Light the blue candle, saying: "I light this candle for peace and balance within myself."
  6. Affirmations and Intentions:

    • Hold the piece of paper and pen.
    • Write down your intentions for balance and harmony in your relationships and inner world.
    • Fold the paper and place it under the rose quartz.
  7. Water and Salt Ritual:

    • Sprinkle a pinch of salt into the bowl of water, saying: "Salt for grounding, water for balance."
    • Dip your fingers into the water and sprinkle a few drops around your circle, saying: "As I balance these elements, I balance my inner and outer worlds."
  8. Meditation:

    • Sit quietly for a few minutes, focusing on the flickering flames of the candles.
    • Visualize a harmonious balance flowing through your relationships and within yourself.
  9. Closing the Spell:

    • When you feel ready, say: "As these candles burn, so does my intention for harmony and balance."
    • Allow the candles to burn out completely or extinguish them if needed, but let them burn for at least 10 minutes.
  10. Thanking the Elements:

    • Thank the elements (fire, water, earth, and air) for their assistance.
  11. Closing the Circle:

    • Visualize the circle of light slowly dissipating, leaving you feeling grounded and balanced.
  12. Aftercare:

    • Keep the rose quartz with you or place it somewhere prominent as a reminder of your intention.
    • Reflect on your intentions regularly to reinforce the spell's energy.

This spell is designed to bring a sense of harmony and balance to both your relationships and your inner world. Perform it whenever you feel the need to restore equilibrium in your life.

The Spiritual Witch


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