Invoking the God Lugh

Invoking the god Lugh, a prominent deity in Irish mythology associated with skills, crafts, and light, involves creating a ritual that honors his attributes and calls upon his presence. Here are steps to guide you through a ritual invocation:


  1. Research: Understand Lugh's mythology, symbols, and attributes. Lugh is often associated with the sun, craftsmanship, and harvest.

  2. Sacred Space: Cleanse and prepare your ritual space. You can use sage, incense, or any cleansing method you prefer.

  3. Altar Setup: Create an altar with symbols of Lugh. Items might include:

    • Sun symbols or images
    • Tools (hammer, spear, sling, etc.)
    • Grain or bread, symbolizing the harvest
    • Yellow or gold candles, representing the sun and light

Invocation Ritual

  1. Opening the Circle:

    • Stand in the center of your space.
    • Light a yellow or gold candle on your altar.
    • Walk clockwise around your space, visualizing a protective circle of light forming around you.
  2. Calling the Quarters (optional):

    • Face each cardinal direction (East, South, West, North), and invite the energies of air, fire, water, and earth to join your ritual.
  3. Invocation of Lugh:

    • Stand before your altar.

    • Light incense or offer a libation (e.g., mead, ale, or water).

    • Recite an invocation, such as:

      Mighty Lugh, master of all crafts, Bright god of the sun and light, I call upon your presence this day/night. Guide me with your wisdom, Bless me with your skill, Bring forth your power and light into this sacred space. I honor you with this offering (place offering on the altar). Hail Lugh!
  4. Meditation and Connection:

    • Sit quietly and meditate, focusing on Lugh's attributes.
    • Visualize his presence joining you, feeling his energy and light.
    • If you have a specific request or need, speak it aloud or in your mind.
  5. Offerings and Gratitude:

    • Place offerings on the altar, such as bread, grains, or flowers.
    • Express your gratitude for Lugh’s presence and assistance.
  6. Closing the Circle:

    • Thank Lugh for joining your ritual.
    • If you called the quarters, thank each element and release their energies.
    • Walk counterclockwise around your space, visualizing the protective circle dissolving.
  7. Grounding:

    • Eat something or drink water to ground yourself.
    • Spend a few moments in nature if possible, connecting with the earth.

Additional Tips

  • Timing: Perform the ritual on Lughnasadh (August 1st) for added significance, as it is a festival in honor of Lugh.
  • Personal Touch: Customize the ritual with personal prayers, chants, or songs dedicated to Lugh.
  • Respect: Approach the ritual with respect and sincerity, acknowledging Lugh's importance in Celtic mythology.

This ritual is a guideline, and you can adapt it to fit your personal practice and preferences.

The Spiritual Witch


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