Harvest Moon Abundance Ritual

The Full Harvest Moon is a time of abundance, gratitude, and manifestation, making it ideal for spells or rituals focused on prosperity, completion, and giving thanks for what you’ve reaped. Here’s a simple yet powerful spell to perform during this time:

What You'll Need:

  • A green or gold candle (symbolizing abundance and prosperity)
  • A small bowl of earth or soil
  • A few grains, seeds, or coins (symbolizing harvest)
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • A chalice or cup of water
  • Sage, incense, or palo santo for cleansing
  • Moonstone or citrine crystal (optional for enhancing the energy)


  1. Prepare Your Space: Begin by cleansing your space with sage, incense, or palo santo. Set up your altar or ritual space with the candle, soil, grains, paper, and cup of water. You can also include your chosen crystal to amplify the energy.

  2. Cast a Circle: Cast a sacred circle if this is part of your practice, or simply state your intention to create a protective, sacred space around you.

  3. Light the Candle: Light the green or gold candle, focusing on the flame and the energy of the Harvest Moon. Say:

    "By the light of the Full Harvest Moon, I call upon the energy of abundance, prosperity, and gratitude. May this flame ignite the flow of blessings into my life."

  4. Connect with the Earth: Hold the bowl of soil in your hands. Close your eyes and ground yourself by taking deep breaths. Visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, connecting you to the fertile energies of the land. Say:

    "I am one with the earth. The harvest of my work and intentions is now at hand."

  5. Write Your Harvest: On the piece of paper, write down the things you are grateful for that have manifested in your life so far, as well as any goals or intentions you wish to harvest moving forward.

  6. Offer the Grains/Seeds/Coins: Hold the grains, seeds, or coins in your hands. Charge them with your intentions of abundance and manifestation. Say:

    "As these grains (or seeds) hold the promise of life, I too hold the promise of my desires. I plant these intentions in the fertile soil of the universe."

    Place the grains or seeds into the bowl of soil, symbolizing the sowing of your desires.

  7. Bless with Water: Take the chalice of water and gently pour a little over the soil, saying:

    "As water nourishes the earth, so too am I nourished by the universe’s blessings. May my intentions grow and flourish with ease."

  8. Gratitude and Release: Sit quietly for a few moments, visualizing your intentions blossoming and growing. Feel gratitude for all that you’ve already manifested. When you’re ready, say:

    "I give thanks to the universe, to the Harvest Moon, and to the energy of abundance. As I have sown, so shall I reap."

  9. Close the Ritual: Blow out the candle, thanking the flame for its energy. If you cast a circle, close it now. Leave the grains/seeds and soil on your altar or outside under the moonlight to absorb the Full Harvest Moon’s energy.

  10. Reflect: Over the next few days, reflect on your intentions and continue to offer gratitude for what you receive.

This ritual aligns with the Harvest Moon’s themes of completion and abundance, helping you to manifest prosperity and acknowledge the blessings already in your life.

Blessed Be!

The Spiritual Witch


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