Lunar Eclipse Ritual

Lunar eclipses are powerful times of transformation, revealing what needs to be released and embraced. The following ritual will help you harness the energy of a lunar eclipse to let go of the old and manifest new beginnings.

What You'll Need:

  • 1 black candle (for release)
  • 1 white candle (for new beginnings)
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A bowl of water (to symbolize the moon and its energies)
  • Sage, palo santo, or your preferred cleansing tool
  • Crystals associated with lunar energy (moonstone, selenite, or clear quartz)
  • Optional: A lunar incense blend (jasmine, sandalwood, or myrrh)

Step-by-Step Ritual

  1. Cleansing the Space: Begin by cleansing your space using sage, palo santo, or incense. As you cleanse, focus on removing any stagnant or negative energy, making room for the transformative energy of the eclipse.

    Chant (optional):
    "By the power of air and fire, I release what no longer serves.
    By the power of water and earth, I embrace what will transform."

  2. Set Up Your Altar: Place the black and white candles at the center of your altar, side by side, symbolizing the balance between release and renewal. Place your bowl of water in front of the candles, representing the eclipse’s lunar energy. Arrange your crystals around the candles and the water to amplify the energy.

  3. Writing of Release: On the piece of paper, write down anything you want to let go of. This could be old habits, fears, or energies that no longer serve your higher purpose. Be specific about what you're ready to release during this powerful eclipse.

  4. Lighting the Black Candle: Light the black candle and focus on the flame. Hold your paper with the list of things you wish to release. Visualize the eclipse energy pulling away these obstacles from your life, creating space for transformation.

    Say aloud:
    "Under the shadow of this eclipse, I release what no longer serves me.
    I let go of what hinders my growth and transformation.
    As the moon hides its light, so too shall these burdens fade away."

  5. Submerge the Paper: Gently fold the paper and submerge it into the bowl of water. As the paper soaks, visualize these things dissolving, being washed away by the moon's power.

  6. Lighting the White Candle: Light the white candle. As you do, focus on the new beginnings and the positive energy you wish to welcome into your life. Feel the lunar eclipse energy renewing your spirit and guiding you toward your highest potential.

    Say aloud:
    "As the light returns, so does my strength, my clarity, and my purpose.
    I embrace new beginnings, new insights, and new growth.
    The moon’s shadow has passed, and I rise with her power."

  7. Crystals and Water: Take the crystals and place them in the bowl of water, charging them with the lunar eclipse energy. You can leave the bowl under the moonlight (if visible) or in a place where it will not be disturbed overnight to absorb the eclipse energy fully.

  8. Closing the Ritual: Once you feel ready, extinguish both candles, beginning with the black one, symbolizing the closing of the release phase, and then the white one, completing the renewal process. Dispose of the paper in running water (a river, stream, or sink) to carry away the energy you’ve released.

After the Ritual:

After the eclipse ritual, take time to meditate or journal about what insights came to you. The lunar eclipse is a period of significant change, so stay mindful of your emotions and surroundings in the days following the ritual. Allow the transformative energy to guide you on your journey.

Blessed Be!

The Spiritual Witch


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